Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why not topical preaching from the pulpit?

The only thing that should be taught is Jesus and Biblical concepts. We should focus on understanding the relevance, message teaching, and details of the gospel of Jesus. Why only this and not purely topical or subject based? This is for many reasons:

- Topical preaching will only be relevant to the people who relate and only those who may be impacted by that particular subject.
o For example if a subject is dealing with the loss of a child or getting through a divorce, this is only relevant to a certain group of people and excludes a great many people
o Subjects like this can be handled in a variety of other ways, special seminars, small groups, etc.
- Topical preaching leads to “self-help” style and messages, it becomes not about how God wants you act and behave, but what God can do for you. The truth is that God has already done enough for you in sacrificing Himself for you, is this not enough?
- It allows people pastors to pick and choose subjects, ignoring or skipping text. This leads people to not have a full belief in the whole Biblical text and rather believe in only that with which they are comfortable. This could lead to a false image of Jesus, forming a god in our own image and hence a false god. If belief in Jesus is what gets us into heaven then we must ensure we believe in the right Jesus.

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