Monday, May 29, 2006

What is truth?

That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence. In 1859 Charles Darwin released his Origin of the Species and within months the scientific world was going through a revolution in thinking. Now, by the last half of the twentieth century, even popular culture has accepted Darwinian evolution as "proven." Today, Christians are answering evolutionists effectively, but the results are minimal in terms of changing the minds of people in our culture.

This is called modernism which is an attempt to examine traditional belief according to contemporary philosophy, criticism, and historiography. We now live in a time many are labeling post-modernism. This comes out in the following:

The increasingly universal belief that all cultures are to be equally "respected" and never criticized
The new importance attached to language, as seen in the "political correctness " movement
New versions of history from the perspective of oppressed interest groups (e.g. feminist, or gay and lesbian history ) that purposely leave out even major events in the past
Postmodern feminism--the belief that our concepts "masculine" and "feminine," are arbitrary social constructions intended to subjugate women to men

The term postmodernism can be used in a broad cultural sense, or more specifically for theories perceived as naturalism, relativist, nihilist,; particularly while in opposition to rationalism, universalism, foundationalism or science. It is also sometimes used to describe social changes which are held to be antithetical to traditional systems of philosophy, religion, and morality.
Naturalism is the assumption that the physical world is all that exists, that there is no such thing as the supernatural; no God, no miracles and no divinely revealed moral code.
Relativism expresses the view that the meaning and value of human beliefs and behaviors have no absolute reference. Relativists claim that humans understand and evaluate beliefs and behaviours only in terms of, for example, their historical or cultural context.
Nihilism is a philosophical position which argues that the world, and especially human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. Nihilists generally believe all of the following: God does not exist, traditional morality is false, and secular ethics are impossible; therefore, life has no meaning, and no action is preferable to any other.
Postmodernism hypothesises that all knowledge is merely a discourse, that no knowledge is different from any other as they are all legitimised by the same processes. Ipso facto, religion is no more valid than science.

We are nothing different than animals, we react to stimulus around us just like say a chimpanzee. This makes sense, since we share 97% DNA with monkeys.
So why care about this? Why would we want to talk about this in church?

Because it affects you more than you know, more than you would care to admit. This has been a movement that has slowly gained momentum and is a very real part of every one of your children’s education be it from elementary school to the world they interact with.
There are a few different groups of people you will run into.

People who don’t think they are good enough for God
Knows they aren’t put thank God for the cross
Think there is no God and therefore no reason to do anything.

However the largest group by far in our culture is the group to whom God has become irrelevant. Not that they do or don’t believe in God, but to whom the question is of little importance given the amount of distractions in their lives.

They will eventually get to it, until then they are far too busy living their lives. To them the exposure to God is from popular media and from those around them that call themselves Christians. So how do you reach out to these people?

If truth is relative, then…A. All spiritual truth is valid.
B. Persuasion is not allowed – tolerance is king.
C. No moral absolutes.

If truth is absolute, then…A. It can be found.
B. It must be acted upon.
C. Anything untrue must be rejected

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