Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Justification – What does it say?

This is the expression we use to say you are “justified” or declared righteous in God’s eyes. In a works based gospel this will not occur until you perform certain acts. These acts would be good deeds, communion, or anything that would “earn” your way into heaven. The reformation in the 1500’s was primarily to restore the true idea of justification as presented in scripture, mainly Paul’s letters of Romans and Galatians that you are justified by faith alone.

Romans 3:28 - Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.

However, the main proof of this concept came from Jesus hanging on a cross beside a thief who he told the thief on the cross next to Him that he would be with Him today in paradise (Luke 23:42-44)

Today most mainline evangelical churches believe in this concept, however many have taken it to the extreme and pushed the boundary of what “faith” means. They have taken it to mean that it is enough to simply believe in Christ and accept that you’re a sinner. The problem with this is that the devil would agree with that statement, most of us would agree that the devil will not be in heaven. So what is the faith they are speaking of? What does this faith look like? Well, it is putting your whole trust in Christ and Christ alone for your salvation. You demonstrate this through repentance, a turning from sin and through a change of your heart to a love for everything God loves.

This means you are still guilty of sin, but you are washed clean through the blood of Christ.

Reading through Romans, Galatians, and 1 John reveals many of the details of how you determine if you have truly repented and put you faith in Christ. Each of us should feel perfectly comfortable in answering questions about our salvation, the answers are easy if you’re saved.

The criteria is fairly simple and laid out first by Jesus when he was asked by the teachers of the day; what is the greatest commandment? In response He said, Love your God and Love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:34-40)

You are born again – See John 3
You love to worship God – Deuteronomy 6:13, Revelation 19:10, 22:9 (among many others)
This is not just listening to music and feeling good. This is your every thought, word, and deed being dedicated to the glory of God. You thank Him daily for simply allowing you one more day and giving you air to breathe,
You love to read God’s Word – Same as above, the Bible reveals God’s character and plan.
Every day you read the Bible, you love reading God’s Word and any other books which speak of interpretation or application of scripture.
A new heart that hates sin – Romans 6:14, 1 John 2:3-4
This doesn’t mean you don’t like the consequences of sin, you hate the sin itself. It doesn’t mean you will never sin again, but that you have a new heart towards sin, you hate it and do everything you can to remove it from your life.
· People count on God’s grace to get them through, they lean on only the promises of God to forgive them and as a result they continue to sin counting on God’s grace.
· You can numb your conscience because you think that you can sin then just simply repent and be forgiven or worse lean a theology that says that all sins are forgiven past, present and future. The scriptures do not say this, in fact they say much the opposite Romans 3:25, 2 Peter 1:9)
You will want to fellowship with other believers – Hebrews 10:25
You will want to be around like minded people and talk of the things of God. This will be a focus and a love.
You will have a desire to reach out to the lost
This is two fold, one it is a commandment from your king (Mark 16:15), but it also a reflection on your love for other people. You want to see them inherit the kingdom of heaven.
You will extend grace towards others as an outpouring of the grace you have been extended.
See James 2:24, an often confused text. This is a natural outpouring of the grace given to you by God; you will want to pour it out into others.

The reality is that wide is the path to destruction and Christ will say to many on the day of judgment that He never knew you. This should fill us with fear if we can see none of the above manifesting in our lives. It is not a simple thing to believe, you must change your heart. However the good news is that Christ will meet you halfway, when you turn from your sin and put you full trust in Christ He will respond through the Holy Spirit and give you a new heart with new desires.

If this hasn't happened to you, then search your heart and get into the Word.

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